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International school of bullying prevention

International School
Monica Toscano Prevention In Act® Method

Our primary objective is to provide theoretical and practical training for all Directors, Teachers and Educators who wish to apply the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® method in their institutions, providing a Prevention mechanism to address the risk and conflict situations that arise in schools every day, based on its three cornerstones: Directors, Teachers and Educators, and Students and Families.

School bullying prevention
School bullying prevention

Monica Toscano Prevention In Act® Method International School Program



Introductory Course for training principals, teachers and parents - MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® International School - Acting before situations arise during puberty and adolescence - Tools for Prevention. Pack of seven (7) modules in electronic format (streaming video)


Taught in face-to-face format. Aimed at staff in the educational institution wishing to receive training in the application of the method for preventing school bullying.

Main objectives

  • Our primary objective is to provide the methodology and the tools necessary so that principals, teachers, educators and parents can identify signs of risk situations in children and adolescents in time, in order to avoid real harm if timely intervention does not take place, while remembering that prevention must take place at earlier ages.
  • Establishing the inclusion of the attendees as an active body in the experience from the outset - an interaction that is supported by a space for dialogue for communication that involves the concept and its praxis.
  • By conveying the THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL PARAMETERS I of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® METHOD, providing TOOLS FOR PREVENTION of bullying for intervention before events happen, before risk situations occur. Reading of each conflict situation in terms of the specific nature and unique characteristics of each group of students.
  • Theoretical-practical reading of the cases of each specific class group, presented by those attending the course, based on the parameters of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® method. Steps in intervention. Tools for prevention.
  • Construction of a common code and common tools by acquiring the theoretical-practical parameters I of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® method

This stage consists of seven two-hour modules.

The attendees undergo a theoretical-practical Evaluation at the end of Level I.

Passing this Evaluation enables them to take Level II.

Level II

Taught in face-to-face format. Aimed at staff in the educational institution wishing to receive training in the application of the method.

Main objectives

  • Theoretical-practical training in the implementation of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® method
  • Learn to identify how conflict situations are expressed in a single class group, in order to intervene with students using specific tools and pass on tools to teachers, providing solutions to doubts such as what to do when faced with bullying, or how to act in a bullying situation.
  • Training in reading the students' discourse and applying tools for reinforcement when dealing with conflict situations in the specific class group. Moving towards minimising risk situations.

This stage consists of seven two-hour modules.

These two levels are mandatory for all those wishing to receive a certificate as an Implementer of the method, and therefore be able to implement it in the schools where they have received their training.

Schools wishing to train all their teachers in a common code and common prevention tools can take the Introductory Level and Level I without having to take Level II, which is solely and mandatory for those who wishing to access IMPLEMENT THE MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® METHOD.

Also available:

  • Lectures to provide tools for prevention for principals and teachers.
  • Directors Training Course
  • Course for Interviews with parents of students.


Application of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® method in workshops for students from 7 to 16 years old.

The MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® workshops for students are held in schools trained in the application of the method.


Because we believe that the family is the other major cornerstone of the method, we also offer:

  • Introductory Course for training of principals, teachers and parents - MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® International School - Acting before situations arise during puberty and adolescence - Tools for Prevention. Pack of seven (7) modules in electronic format (streaming video)
  • Lectures providing tools for prevention for parents and families.
  • MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® school of prevention for parents.
    • This space was created so that parents can feel their voices are heard on the path towards preventing the conflict situations that their children experience in childhood, puberty and adolescence.
    • We work on parents' concerns according to their children's age and development.
    • Parents are trained to read the signs that children show from an increasingly early age.
    • This stage consists of five two-hour modules.