Monica Toscano
MONICA TOSCANO is a psychoanalyst and specialist in adolescence. She is a member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) and a full member of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association (APA). She has been a speaker at various international congresses.
She is the creator of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® method, and established the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® International School in Paris.
In addition to continuing with her clinical practice, treatment and supervision of adolescent patients, she is currently working on research and training in the field of prevention of school bullying and violence at school, through workshops and seminars for directors, teachers, parents and students in Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Paris and Düsseldorf.
She was awarded the International Clinical Prize for her work Structure and Aids from the Freudian Foundation of New York in November 1985.
She received the European Citizen Award from the 2001 Europe Forum , in June 2009, for her career and for her research in the area of prevention during childhood and adolescence.
The main objective of her work is to continue with the development of an international prevention network, as a response to the risk situations experienced by young people who suffer from bullying.
International lectures
The presentations given by MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL include the following:
- Lecture for teachers. "The power of the group". Monceau bilingual international school. 23/2/2017. Paris, France.
- Lecture for teachers. "Tools for prevention for teachers" Grilli educational project. October 2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Lecture for parents "What do we do as parents faced with the increasingly frequent expressions of violence in childhood?" Modern School, October 2016. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Lecture for parents: Is talking to our children the same as listening to them? Grilli educational project. April 2016. Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Lecture for parents "Do we know how children and adolescents suffer from pressure from their group of friends? Do we listen to our children?". Modern School, April 2016. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Lecture for parents: "Bullying at school. Tools for prevention." Lycée Français, Düsseldorf. February 2016. Düsseldorf, Germany
- MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT®. St Paul’s School. 2016. Barcelona, Spain.
- Lecture for parents "The influence of the group of friends". Monceau bilingual international school. November 2015. Paris, France.
- Lecture for parents "What is the fundamental importance of boundaries in the structure of the personality of a child and an adolescent? How can we apply them?". Grilli educational project. April 2015. Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Lecture for parents "Adolescence. Acting before situations arise". Jean Mermoz Franco-Argentinian School. October 2014. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Lecture for parents "Do we know how children and adolescents suffer from pressure from their group of friends? Do we listen to our children?". Grilli educational project. April 2014. Buenos Aires, Argentina
- International Education Congress. Bullying - human dignity at risk? 9/10/2013. Santa Fe, Argentina.
- Lecture for Inspectors: " Tools for prevention". Ministry of Education, Government of Catalonia. 26/6/2013. Barcelona, Spain.
- Lecture: "How do we place boundaries on children in risk situations?". City Hall, Paris. School Affairs Office. 16/11/2012 and 1/3/2013. Paris, France.
- MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® Method Lecture: "Do we know how children and adolescents suffer from pressure from their group of friends? Do we listen to our children?". Argentinian Embassy in France. 28/11/2012 Paris, France.
- Lecture: "Preventing and analysing violence. MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® Method". Rectorate of the Academy of Paris. 19/10/2011 Paris, France.
- Lecture: "Educating for prevention. MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® Method". Rectorate of the Academy of Paris. 20/10/2010 Paris, France.
- MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® Method Lecture. "Practical prevention tools for risk situations in childhood and adolescence.". City Hall, Paris. Childhood and Health Social Action Office. 4/2/2010 Paris, France.
- International Congress of Values. University of Barcelona. 29/5/2008. Barcelona. Spain.
- Lecture for parents. "Presentation of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT®. Collège St Hélène. 6/2/2008. Lyon, France.
- Lecture for parents. "Boundaries". Gerbert d'Orlhac Primary School. December 2007. San Cugat del Vallès, Spain.
- Lecture for parents. St. Andrew's Scots School. August 2006. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Lecture for parents "Consequences of the lack of boundaries in education". St. Paul’s School. 19/1/2006 Barcelona, Spain.
- "Tools for prevention at school for teachers." Rosa Sensat Teachers Association. July 2006, July 2005 and July 2004. Barcelona, Spain.
- Presentation of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia. 11/2/2005. Barcelona. Spain.
- Lecture: "Educating for prevention". University of Barcelona. 22/11/2004. Barcelona, Spain.
- Seminar for Parents - "Adolescence: Love, Respect and Sexuality". St. Andrew’s Scots School 11/08/04, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Universal Forum of Cultures - Barcelona 2004. "Educating for Prevention - MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® Method". 14/6/2004. Barcelona, Spain.
- International Congress on Health, Prevention and Physical Activity - "Active Violence. Passive Violence. Addictions". 31/10/2003. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Training Seminar for directors and teachers - "Violence in the educational environment". English Speaking Scholastic Association of the River Plate (ESSARP) 2/24/2002 and 5/8/2002. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- III Expoeducativa 2002: "Violence in the educational environment". 21/2/2002. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- II Expoeducativa 2001: "Violence in the educational environment". 21/2/2001. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Monica Toscano
Act before the events happen. Theoretical-practical parameters I of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® method. Ed. Revised and updated. Barcelona, Maximum Prevention S.L., 2012.
Monica Toscano
From childhood to adolescence:
Theoretical-practical parameters II of the MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® method. Barcelona, Maximum Prevention S.L., 2011.
Monica Toscano
The pronouncement of the young people. A path from impossibility to possibility.
MONICA TOSCANO PREVENTION IN ACT® Method. Paris, Prevention at Act SARL, 2023.
The books are for sale.
In Argentina:
In France:
Transmission of prevention tools on the Institution's internet sites